Joins us and meet friends in Soho for the first Fetish Week London social.

Joins us and meet friends in Soho for the first Fetish Week London social.

from Recon News

08 July 2013

On Friday 12th July, we invite everyone along to the upstairs bar in Compton's, Soho for casual drinks.

This is the first time we are holding a FWL event in the centre of town and it's already got tongues wagging.

Come down after work – in your civvies - or come out in gear. Feel free to bring your mates with you or get them to meet you there.

The upstairs bar will be open exclusively for us from 6pm until 7:30 but feel free to hang out for as long as you like.

If you're heading to the Fetish Week Dinner at Amalfi – remember you've got to be there by 7pm for welcome drinks – sit-down at 7:30. We will have dinner tickets on hand if you want to bring a friend along.

The Recon team and sponsors are looking forward to hanging out and meeting everyone in a super chilled atmosphere.

Add yourself to the list and see which other hot guy you could be hooking up with.